Commit 19cc450e authored by liuyuping's avatar liuyuping


parent f27c2165
import request5 from "@/utils/request5";
export function monitorDevice(deptId) {
return request5({
url: '/api/sensor/monitor',
method: 'get',
params: {
......@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@
<div class="tian_qi">
<div class="tian_qi_title">实时气象数据</div>
<div class="tian_qi_body">
<!-- <span style="font-size: 2vw"> <img src="@/assets/images/tian_qi2.png" alt="" /> {{ tian_qi_data.tem }}°C</span>
<span>{{ tian_qi_data.tem1 }}°C / {{ tian_qi_data.tem2 }}°C</span>
<span>空气{{ tian_qi_data.air_level }}</span>
<span>{{ tian_qi_data.wea }}</span>
<span>{{ + tian_qi_data.win_speed }}</span> -->
<div style="font-size: 2vw">
<img :src="tian_qi_data.img || '/image/tian_qi2.png'" alt="" />
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
<div class="big-data-chart1">
<div class="alarm-sum-wrapper">
<div class="big-data-chart1-alarm1"></div>
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export default {
const option = {
series: [
color: ['#1DB3FE', '#00D6E8'],
name: 'alarm1',
type: 'pie',
radius: ['20%', '70%'],
......@@ -60,14 +61,29 @@ export default {
itemStyle: {
borderRadius: 8
label: {
align: "left",
normal: {
formatter(v) {
return `${}\n${v.value}`;
textStyle: {
fontSize: 16
labelLine: {
length: 3,
length2: 10
data: [
value: 40,
name: '正常数量'
value: 178,
name: '在线设备'
value: 20,
name: '报警数量'
value: 200,
name: '离线设备'
......@@ -146,7 +162,7 @@ export default {
name: '冶金工贸',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'none',
data: [70, 100, 200, 10]
data: [0, 0, 0, 0]
......@@ -158,7 +174,7 @@ export default {
const option = {
title: {
text: "总数量",
subtext: "" + 700,
subtext: "" + 13,
left: "center",
top: "40%",
textStyle: {
......@@ -183,14 +199,14 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverLap: true,
data: [
value: 200,
value: 8,
name: "重大隐患未闭环",
itemStyle: {
color: "#E74C3C"
value: 500,
value: 5,
name: "重大隐患已闭环",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FDFA02"
......@@ -223,7 +239,7 @@ export default {
const option = {
title: {
text: "总数量",
subtext: "" + 15468,
subtext: "" + 68,
left: "center",
top: "40%",
textStyle: {
......@@ -248,28 +264,28 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverLap: true,
data: [
value: 100,
value: 44,
name: "低风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#057AFD"
value: 200,
value: 12,
name: "一般风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FEFA03"
value: 400,
value: 10,
name: "较大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#F88F12"
value: 300,
value: 2,
name: "重大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FF414B"
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
<div class="big-data-chart2-alarm-sum2">
<div class="big-data-chart2-sum">
<div class="big-data-chart2-sum">
<div class="big-data-chart2-table-wrapper">
......@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@
<div class="big-data-chart2-table-content-wrapper">
<div class="big-data-chart2-table-content-item">
<div class="big-data-chart2-table-content-item">
......@@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ export default {
series: [
name: '一般隐患',
type: 'bar',
stack: 'total',
data: [60, 120, 220, 70]
// {
// name: '一般隐患',
// type: 'bar',
// stack: 'total',
// data: [60, 120, 220, 70]
// },
name: '重大隐患',
type: 'bar',
stack: 'total',
data: [10, 110, 320, 80]
data: [10, 4, 1, 12]
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ export default {
const option = {
title: {
text: "总数量",
subtext: "" + 15468,
subtext: "" + 204,
left: "center",
top: "40%",
textStyle: {
......@@ -161,28 +161,28 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverLap: true,
data: [
value: 100,
value: 123,
name: "低风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#057AFD"
value: 200,
value: 56,
name: "一般风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FEFA03"
value: 400,
value: 24,
name: "较大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#F88F12"
value: 300,
value: 1,
name: "重大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FF414B"
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ export default {
const option = {
title: {
text: "总数量",
subtext: "" + 15468,
subtext: "" + 418,
left: "center",
top: "40%",
textStyle: {
......@@ -240,28 +240,28 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverLap: true,
data: [
value: 100,
value: 278,
name: "低风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#057AFD"
value: 200,
value: 94,
name: "一般风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FEFA03"
value: 400,
value: 32,
name: "较大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#F88F12"
value: 300,
value: 14,
name: "重大风险",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FF414B"
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ export default {
methods: {
onClickActive(index, title) {
if (index === 4) {'')
this.$store.commit("SET_IS_LEFT", false);
......@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@
<el-col class="text_right" :span="16">{{ dataObj.address }}</el-col>
<div class="corporate-portrait" @click="popPortrait">
<svg t="1637975296097" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="1669" width="32" height="32"><path d="M732.089122 1019.920127c-154.87516 0-280.359239-125.596075-280.359239-280.599231 0-155.019156 125.484079-280.615231 280.359239-280.615231s280.359239 125.596075 280.359239 280.615231c0 155.003156-125.484079 280.599231-280.359239 280.599231z m143.627512-139.035655l-79.645511-79.709509a144.747477 144.747477 0 0 0 30.495047-89.117215c0-80.253492-64.989969-145.323459-145.211462-145.323458-80.189494 0-145.179463 65.069967-145.179463 145.323458 0 80.269492 64.989969 145.323459 145.179463 145.323459a144.475485 144.475485 0 0 0 89.053217-30.527046l79.645511 79.709509a18.095435 18.095435 0 0 0 25.663198 0 18.127434 18.127434 0 0 0 0-25.679198z m-194.361926-59.83813c-60.046124 0-108.876598-48.862473-108.876598-108.988594 0-60.094122 48.830474-108.988594 108.876598-108.988594 60.078123 0 108.908597 48.894472 108.908596 108.988594 0 60.126121-48.830474 108.988594-108.908596 108.988594zM732.089122 387.219899c-9.791694 0-19.391394 0.415987-28.975094 1.231962V71.485766l-415.651011 135.819756v-41.454705L745.160714 0.016l137.515702 116.204368V421.138839c-4.47986-2.047936-8.97572-4.095872-13.663573-6.143808a349.10909 349.10909 0 0 0-136.923721-27.775132z m-133.851817-128.043998v154.603168l-3.071904 1.215962a346.213181 346.213181 0 0 0-111.804506 75.373645 349.237086 349.237086 0 0 0-64.077998 87.597263V270.40755L72.589732 381.300084v642.715916H11.583638l0.207994-675.386895 463.393518-161.946939 123.052155 72.493735zM356.436861 477.905065L138.507672 536.111247v-98.028937l217.929189-71.485766v111.308521z m0 179.514391L138.507672 699.690135v-93.949064l217.929189-55.550264v107.228649z m0 182.3783L138.507672 860.213118v-91.901128l217.929189-35.534889v107.020655z m0 181.962314H138.507672v-97.212962l217.929189-15.311522v112.524484z m163.85088-1.231962h-101.004844v-119.868254a354.56492 354.56492 0 0 0 64.061998 87.613262 344.069248 344.069248 0 0 0 36.942846 32.254992z" p-id="1670" fill="#02fcfe"></path></svg>
<div class="base_left_box_line" style="height: 25vh">
<div class="title">监测类型</div>
......@@ -35,7 +40,12 @@
<br />
<div class="videoai-wrapper" @click="videoaiShow">
<svg t="1637996328836" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3046" width="32" height="32"><path d="M758.826667 660.096l102.549333 262.058667h-54.421333l-24.085334-63.296h-107.584l-22.784 63.296h-54.464l102.549334-262.058667h58.24z m-29.12 40.512h-1.258667c0 1.706667-0.874667 5.056-2.538667 10.133333-1.706667 6.762667-2.965333 11.392-3.797333 13.930667-0.832 1.706667-12.245333 33.770667-34.176 96.213333h84.8c-22.784-63.296-34.581333-95.765333-35.413333-97.472a175.936 175.936 0 0 1-7.616-22.805333z m160.789333 221.568V660.096h50.624v262.058667h-50.624z m-378.517333-29.482667c-207.850667 0-376.96-170.773333-376.96-380.693333 0-209.877333 169.109333-380.650667 376.96-380.650667 207.872 0 376.981333 170.752 376.981333 380.650667a34.176 34.176 0 0 0 68.309333 0c0-247.530667-199.744-448.938667-445.269333-448.938667S66.730667 264.469333 66.730667 512c0 247.552 199.722667 448.96 445.248 448.96a34.133333 34.133333 0 0 0 0-68.266667z m190.762666-461.525333l-245.269333-139.136c-15.658667-8.704-31.317333-13.909333-46.101333-13.909333-33.045333 0-67.84 24.341333-67.84 78.272v279.146666c0 54.826667 33.898667 78.293333 67.84 78.293334 14.784 0 30.442667-4.330667 46.101333-13.909334l245.269333-139.157333c27.84-15.616 44.352-39.082667 44.352-64.341333 0.021333-26.090667-16.512-49.6-44.352-65.258667" fill="#02fcfe" p-id="3047"></path></svg>
<div class="base_left_box_line">
<div class="title">视频监控 <span class="position_look" @click="onClickVideo">更多</span></div>
<div class="palyer2">
......@@ -141,6 +151,17 @@ export default {
// 查看企业画像
popPortrait() {
this.$store.commit('SET_EnterPotrait', true)
// 查看企业视频
videoaiShow() {
this.$store.commit('SET_VideoUrl', this.videoUrl)
this.$store.commit('SET_IsVideo', this.isVideoUrl)
this.$store.commit('SET_VideoShow', true)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<img src="@/assets/images/error.png" @click="onClickDel">
<div class="base_left_box_line">
<div class="title">基础信息44</div>
<div class="title">基础信息</div>
<el-row class="text">
<el-col :span="8">名称</el-col>
......@@ -19,7 +19,12 @@
<div class="corporate-portrait" @click="popPortrait">
<svg t="1637975296097" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="1669" width="32" height="32"><path d="M732.089122 1019.920127c-154.87516 0-280.359239-125.596075-280.359239-280.599231 0-155.019156 125.484079-280.615231 280.359239-280.615231s280.359239 125.596075 280.359239 280.615231c0 155.003156-125.484079 280.599231-280.359239 280.599231z m143.627512-139.035655l-79.645511-79.709509a144.747477 144.747477 0 0 0 30.495047-89.117215c0-80.253492-64.989969-145.323459-145.211462-145.323458-80.189494 0-145.179463 65.069967-145.179463 145.323458 0 80.269492 64.989969 145.323459 145.179463 145.323459a144.475485 144.475485 0 0 0 89.053217-30.527046l79.645511 79.709509a18.095435 18.095435 0 0 0 25.663198 0 18.127434 18.127434 0 0 0 0-25.679198z m-194.361926-59.83813c-60.046124 0-108.876598-48.862473-108.876598-108.988594 0-60.094122 48.830474-108.988594 108.876598-108.988594 60.078123 0 108.908597 48.894472 108.908596 108.988594 0 60.126121-48.830474 108.988594-108.908596 108.988594zM732.089122 387.219899c-9.791694 0-19.391394 0.415987-28.975094 1.231962V71.485766l-415.651011 135.819756v-41.454705L745.160714 0.016l137.515702 116.204368V421.138839c-4.47986-2.047936-8.97572-4.095872-13.663573-6.143808a349.10909 349.10909 0 0 0-136.923721-27.775132z m-133.851817-128.043998v154.603168l-3.071904 1.215962a346.213181 346.213181 0 0 0-111.804506 75.373645 349.237086 349.237086 0 0 0-64.077998 87.597263V270.40755L72.589732 381.300084v642.715916H11.583638l0.207994-675.386895 463.393518-161.946939 123.052155 72.493735zM356.436861 477.905065L138.507672 536.111247v-98.028937l217.929189-71.485766v111.308521z m0 179.514391L138.507672 699.690135v-93.949064l217.929189-55.550264v107.228649z m0 182.3783L138.507672 860.213118v-91.901128l217.929189-35.534889v107.020655z m0 181.962314H138.507672v-97.212962l217.929189-15.311522v112.524484z m163.85088-1.231962h-101.004844v-119.868254a354.56492 354.56492 0 0 0 64.061998 87.613262 344.069248 344.069248 0 0 0 36.942846 32.254992z" p-id="1670" fill="#02fcfe"></path></svg>
<div class="base_left_box_line" style="height: 25vh">
......@@ -52,7 +57,12 @@
<div class="videoai-wrapper" @click="videoaiShow">
<svg t="1637996328836" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3046" width="32" height="32"><path d="M758.826667 660.096l102.549333 262.058667h-54.421333l-24.085334-63.296h-107.584l-22.784 63.296h-54.464l102.549334-262.058667h58.24z m-29.12 40.512h-1.258667c0 1.706667-0.874667 5.056-2.538667 10.133333-1.706667 6.762667-2.965333 11.392-3.797333 13.930667-0.832 1.706667-12.245333 33.770667-34.176 96.213333h84.8c-22.784-63.296-34.581333-95.765333-35.413333-97.472a175.936 175.936 0 0 1-7.616-22.805333z m160.789333 221.568V660.096h50.624v262.058667h-50.624z m-378.517333-29.482667c-207.850667 0-376.96-170.773333-376.96-380.693333 0-209.877333 169.109333-380.650667 376.96-380.650667 207.872 0 376.981333 170.752 376.981333 380.650667a34.176 34.176 0 0 0 68.309333 0c0-247.530667-199.744-448.938667-445.269333-448.938667S66.730667 264.469333 66.730667 512c0 247.552 199.722667 448.96 445.248 448.96a34.133333 34.133333 0 0 0 0-68.266667z m190.762666-461.525333l-245.269333-139.136c-15.658667-8.704-31.317333-13.909333-46.101333-13.909333-33.045333 0-67.84 24.341333-67.84 78.272v279.146666c0 54.826667 33.898667 78.293333 67.84 78.293334 14.784 0 30.442667-4.330667 46.101333-13.909334l245.269333-139.157333c27.84-15.616 44.352-39.082667 44.352-64.341333 0.021333-26.090667-16.512-49.6-44.352-65.258667" fill="#02fcfe" p-id="3047"></path></svg>
<div class="base_left_box_line">
<div class="title">视频监控 <span class="position_look" @click="onClickVideo">更多</span> </div>
<div class="palyer2">
......@@ -152,6 +162,16 @@ export default {
setTimeout(() => {
this.isShowRadio = true
}, 300)
videoaiShow() {
// this.$store.commit('SET_VideoUrl', this.videoUrl)
// this.$store.commit('SET_IsVideo', this.isVideoUrl)
this.$store.commit('SET_VideoShow', true)
popPortrait() {
this.$store.commit('SET_EnterPotrait', true)
......@@ -59,28 +59,289 @@
import { monitorDevice } from '@/api/operatePortrait.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
// 采矿方法
mineMethod: '11',
// 面积
area: '22',
// 产能
yields: '33',
// 矿种
minerals: '44',
deviceSum: '11233',
online: '33455',
offline: '55677',
monitorSum: '77899',
monitorData: '99011',
alarmSum: '776654',
timeSum: '562512',
lowRisk: '111',
generalRisk: '222',
greaterRisk: '333',
noCloseLoop: '555',
closeLoop: '5667'
deviceSum: '89',
// 在线设备
online: '33',
// 离线设备
offline: '56',
// 监测点数量
monitorSum: '77',
// 监测点数据
monitorData: '90',
// 报警数据
alarmSum: '76',
// 监测时长
timeSum: '56',
// 风险等级1
lowRisk: '31',
// 风险等级2
generalRisk: '12',
// 风险等级3
greaterRisk: '0',
// 重大风险未闭环
noCloseLoop: '0',
// 重大风险已闭环
closeLoop: '0'
mounted() {
async mounted() {
console.log(this.$store.state.compony_info, 'this.$store.state.compony_info this.$store.state.compony_info')
await monitorDevice(this.$ => {
console.log(res, 'monitorDevice, monitorDevice')
this.mineMethod = this.$store.state.compony_info.mine
this.area = this.$store.state.compony_info.area
this.yields = this.$store.state.compony_info.capacity
this.minerals = this.$store.state.compony_info.mineral
switch(this.$ {
case '宝力格':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 14
this.offline = 12
this.monitorSum = 23
this.monitorData = 11
this.alarmSum = 37
this.timeSum = 131
this.lowRisk = 25
this.generalRisk = 13
this.greaterRisk = 2
this.noCloseLoop = 2
this.closeLoop = 0
case '雅斯作业区':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 26
this.offline = 10
this.monitorSum = 27
this.monitorData = 9
this.alarmSum = 46
this.timeSum = 230
this.lowRisk = 32
this.generalRisk = 5
this.greaterRisk = 1
this.noCloseLoop = 1
this.closeLoop = 0
case '阿尔作业区':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 31
this.offline = 8
this.monitorSum = 36
this.monitorData = 8
this.alarmSum = 48
this.timeSum = 246
this.lowRisk = 46
this.generalRisk = 7
this.greaterRisk = 3
this.noCloseLoop = 1
this.closeLoop = 2
case '山金白音呼布':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 36
this.offline = 4
this.monitorSum = 42
this.monitorData = 3
this.alarmSum = 52
this.timeSum = 341
this.lowRisk = 51
this.generalRisk = 8
this.greaterRisk = 4
this.noCloseLoop = 2
this.closeLoop = 2
case '融冠矿业':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 21
this.offline = 1
this.monitorSum = 45
this.monitorData = 76
this.alarmSum = 11
this.timeSum = 148
this.lowRisk = 34
this.generalRisk = 6
this.greaterRisk = 2
this.noCloseLoop = 1
this.closeLoop = 1
case '山金阿尔哈达':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 17
this.offline = 5
this.monitorSum = 67
this.monitorData = 45
this.alarmSum = 15
this.timeSum = 153
this.lowRisk = 37
this.generalRisk = 10
this.greaterRisk = 1
this.noCloseLoop = 1
this.closeLoop = 0
case '锡林矿业':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 21
this.offline = 4
this.monitorSum = 26
this.monitorData = 11
this.alarmSum = 8
this.timeSum = 278
this.lowRisk = 47
this.generalRisk = 8
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '钨矿':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 24
this.offline = 3
this.monitorSum = 31
this.monitorData = 8
this.alarmSum = 2
this.timeSum = 238
this.lowRisk = 58
this.generalRisk = 6
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '沈铁物流':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 27
this.offline = 4
this.monitorSum = 56
this.monitorData = 32
this.alarmSum = 4
this.timeSum = 286
this.lowRisk = 67
this.generalRisk = 5
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '延长宏博':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 17
this.offline = 6
this.monitorSum = 25
this.monitorData = 75
this.alarmSum = 8
this.timeSum = 131
this.lowRisk = 16
this.generalRisk = 2
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '中康石油':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 21
this.offline = 7
this.monitorSum = 66
this.monitorData = 11
this.alarmSum = 9
this.timeSum = 198
this.lowRisk = 21
this.generalRisk = 4
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '天地煤矿':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 24
this.offline = 9
this.monitorSum = 32
this.monitorData = 23
this.alarmSum = 6
this.timeSum = 237
this.lowRisk = 25
this.generalRisk = 5
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
case '乌尼特煤矿':
this.mineMethod = this.mineMethod? this.mineMethod : '地下开采, 竖井开拓'
this.area = this.area? this.area : '14.332'
this.yields = this.yields ? this.yields : '25万吨/年'
this.minerals = this.minerals? this.minerals : '暂未填写' = 24
this.offline = 2
this.monitorSum = 54
this.monitorData = 45
this.alarmSum = 7
this.timeSum = 467
this.lowRisk = 16
this.generalRisk = 2
this.greaterRisk = 0
this.noCloseLoop = 0
this.closeLoop = 0
......@@ -134,21 +395,21 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
data: [
value: 100,
value: this.lowRisk,
name: "风险等级一",
itemStyle: {
color: "#057AFD"
value: 400,
value: this.generalRisk,
name: "风险等级二",
itemStyle: {
color: "#F88F12"
value: 300,
value: this.greaterRisk,
name: "风险等级三",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FF414B"
......@@ -188,14 +449,14 @@ export default {
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
data: [
value: 100,
value: this.noCloseLoop,
name: "重大安全隐患未闭环",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FEFA03"
value: 200,
value: this.closeLoop,
name: "重大安全隐患已闭环",
itemStyle: {
color: "#FF9D13"
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ export default {
return {
tableData: [
imgUrl: ',10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=jpeg?sec=1640740816&t=47afb183f697e58e75e4e2810242ee75',
alarmType: '测试',
alarmDevice: '11',
alarmTime: '2021-11-25 20:20:20'
imgUrl: '',
alarmType: '非法闯入',
alarmDevice: '视频AI监控设备',
alarmTime: '2021-11-25 14:20:20'
......@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ export default {
isvideo() {
return this.$store.state.curIsVideo
watch: {
videourl: (newVal, oldVal) => {}
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