Commit cc83842a authored by caicaicai's avatar caicaicai


parent 90056c26
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
style="font-size: 18px;width:24vw;">
style="font-size: 18px;width:30vw;">
<div class="submitDeStyle">
<el-button :loading="submitLoading" type="primary" round style="width:8vw;height:5vh;font-size:18px;letter-spacing:2px;" @click="submitDeFn()">故障申报</el-button>
<el-button :loading="submitLoading" type="primary" round style="width:10vw;height:5.5vh;font-size:18px;letter-spacing:2px;" @click="submitDeFn()">故障申报</el-button>
......@@ -197,23 +197,23 @@ export default {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
z-index: 2;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
height: 80vh;
width: 38vw;
height: 90vh;
width: 40vw;
background:no-repeat center center url('~@/assets/images/truckTuPian/guzhangshenbankuang1.png');
background-size:100% 100%;
transform: translate(-50%,-45%);
transform: translate(-50%,-48%);
padding: 12px 30px 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
color: white;
font-size: 18px;
font-size: 17px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 4.5vh;
width: 9vw;
width: 11vw;
height: 4.5vh;
background:no-repeat center center url('~@/assets/images/truckTuPian/xiaobiaotikuang.png');
background-size:100% 100%;
......@@ -263,6 +263,9 @@ export default {
margin: 0;
padding: 8px 20px 0px 10px;
margin-top: 10px;
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<span style="color:#00FFFF;">请车牌号 {{carnumber}} 前往</span>
<span style="color:#E47E1B;font-weight:600;">{{carDestination}}</span>
<div class="orderText2" @click="startPaidanFn()" v-show="btnShow1">开始派单</div>
<div class="orderText2" @click="startPaidanFn()" v-show="btnShow1">接受派单</div>
<div class="orderText2" @click="refusePaidanFn()" v-show="btnShow1">拒绝派单</div>
<div class="orderText2" @click="finishPaidanFn()" v-show="btnShow2">卸车</div>
<audio controls currentTime autoplay :src='startOrderSrcUrl' style="display:none;" id="audio1"></audio>
......@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ export default {
httpGet(dingDanBiaoCaoZuo,{sort:'createTime,desc',size:1,carNo:this.carnumber}).then((res) => {
if( == 0){
this.showDe = false;
this.btnShow1 = false;
this.btnShow2 = false;
httpGet(vehicleInformationQuery,{number:this.carnumber,size:1}).then((resSon1) => {
if(resSon1.code == 200){
......@@ -73,6 +76,9 @@ export default {
httpGet(dingDanBiaoCaoZuo,{sort:'createTime,desc',size:1,carNo:this.carnumber}).then((res) => {
if( == 0){
this.showDe = false;
this.btnShow1 = false;
this.btnShow2 = false;
httpGet(vehicleInformationQuery,{number:this.carnumber,size:1}).then((resSon1) => {
if(resSon1.code == 200){
......@@ -241,14 +247,14 @@ export default {
z-index: 2;
position: absolute;
top: 8vh;
left: 30vw;
left: 20vw;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-around;
width: 30vw;
height: 5vh;
width: 45vw;
height: 7vh;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: rgba(26,39,83,0.9);
border: 1px solid lightskyblue;
......@@ -262,14 +268,14 @@ export default {
margin-left: 20px;
width: 7vw;
line-height: 5vh;
width: 10vw;
line-height: 7vh;
text-align: center;
height: 5vh;
height: 7vh;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: rgba(26,39,83,0.9);
border: 1px solid lightskyblue;
font-size: 18px;
font-size: 22px;
font-weight: 600;
color: lightskyblue;
cursor: pointer;
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